Automechanika 2006 trade fairs

 Automechanika 2006 trade fairs We took part in the Automechanika trade fairs held September 12-17 in Frankfurt am Main, where participants presented the latest products and achievements the automotive industry has to offer, such as parts, accessories and tuning, garage, gas station and carwash equipment. show photos

Intercars 2006 trade fair

 Intercars 2006 trade fair Between 3 and 4 June 2006, we were exhibiting at the Intercars trade fair - an excellent place to meet potential customers and exchange experiences. Intercars have become a regular automotive event. Year by year, these popular parts, tools and workshop equipment fairs attract a larger number of visitors. show photos

Poznań Motor Show 2005

 Poznań Motor Show 2005 Between 11 and 15 May 2005, Tender had its exhibition at the Poznań Motor Show. The fair enabled 24.000 visitors to become familiar with 600 companies from 20 countries. show photos

Poznań Motor Show 2003

 Poznań Motor Show 2003

May 21-25, 2003 we took part in the Poznań Motor Show

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